“My dear Jesus, my life in You, with You and like You…” (Fr. Jaime Bonet)
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Each Charism and Church Community uses various spiritual sources of faith to shape its form of life. The Verbum Dei Missionary Fraternity and Family always refer to four sources: The Indwelling of the Holy Trinity in the person, the Eucharist, the Mystical Body of Christ and Mary’s “Yes”.
Our intimate relationship with God, who is community, teaches us fraternal love and solidarity, communicating the Word to be proclaimed and makes our lives a home for others. The presence of God in every person inspires us to search for the seeds of the Word of God in every culture and to look at the life of another person as a holy land where God also speaks.
It is the daily composition of our prayer and mission. Our world consists of concrete people, members of the body of Christ, often wounded and lifeless, sometimes asleep in the lethargy of consumerism and comfort, they forget about their role of giving life to others. It is this Christ crucified today that attracts and occupies our time, our thoughts and our feelings. His words “I Thirst!” invite us to listen to the pain, the pulse of life, the need, and they pull us to concrete action.
“My dear Jesus, my life in You, with You and like You…” (Fr. Jaime Bonet)
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